I’ve lost 83 pounds and keeping it off!

Today it has been Sixteen months that I’ve lost 83 pounds and I’m keeping it off. I’ve battled my weight all my life and after 45 years of trying every diet on the planet I finally found that when I worked the system, Weight Watcher, this time it worked and it’s sticking.
The program had changed and when fruit was a no point food,  this was my salvation.  I’m still a work in progress, working each day to maintain and trying to change my thinking about food.  It isn’t easy.  I’m still a fat person in my mind and still a sweet-a-holic but I’ve learned not to eat the whole dessert table just take a portion.
The weight loss has improved my health, but the down side is fat fat fat left over everywhere.  You can’t exercise it off.  I have bat flaps that I can waive hello and goodbye with, but still going from a size 22 to a size 14 is a great improvement.
If you’re struggling with your weight know that there are so many other’s that are too.  You’re not alone.  Let me know the weight loss journey your on.  I would love to hear from you.
Watch for my great holiday recipes for Thanksgiving and the holidays.  I’ll share my recipes that I’ve taken the calories out of and left in all the flavor.
Here are my before and after pictures